Welcome to the World of Wussville

I woke this morning, opened the sliding glass doors and noted the hairs on my arms standing at attention.

I woke this morning, opened the sliding glass doors and noted the hairs on my arms standing at attention.

The Midwest.

In typical Midwestern fashion, it was 90 degrees just 2 days ago, we spent the day at the State Fair, and I managed to get some color on my shoulders. I also managed a shirt that was stuck to my back with sweat. DH was our sherpa, and designted water boy. The Collective, were forced to stay hydrated, by both of us.

This morning, it is a chilly 54 degrees. I had to find a long sleeved shirt, pants, and a jacket for my son who is in first grade.

Funny how 8 years in a tropical rainforest (a.k.a. Arkansas), made me forget the need for a jacket in September. In fact there was rarely the need for an actual winter coat in Arkansas. So this morning, I feel the pressing need to make a list of fall and winter supplies that will be needed in the coming months.



window scrapers

2 sets of winter outerwear for the Collective

snowboots for every paerson in the house

flannel jammies

silk under clothing




actual sweaters

sweat shirts

wool socks


salt for the walkways

sandbags for the trunk

cat litter (just in case I get stuck)

extra blankets

an emergency winter box for each vehicle

12 years ago, I would have considered 54 degrees as "shorts weather". Not any longer.

For those of you in colder climates, what is on your MUST HAVE list for winter?