Thank You Hampton Roads Milspouses!

If I had to ride a tropical storm out, I can't think of a better group of people to ride it out with than military spouses. Thanks to all of you who braved Hurricane Tropical Storm Hannah and showed up to spend a very wet and and windy day with other milspouses. The SpouseBUZZ team had a great time meeting you, sharing our stories with you and listening to your stories.

If I had to ride a tropical storm out, I can't think of a better group of people to ride it out with than military spouses. Thanks to all of you who braved Hurricane Tropical Storm Hannah and showed up to spend a very wet and and windy day with other milspouses. The SpouseBUZZ team had a great time meeting you, sharing our stories with you and listening to your stories.

Thank you Hampton Roads, for the tears and the laughs. What a great group of ladies you are.

Regular blogging will resume once we make our way back home, so stay tuned....