Putting It Off, Then Putting It Off Some More

I hope I'm not the only person who has mastered the art of procrastination.  I can put off a dreaded chore, errand or phone call for a very long time.  Eventually, however, I have to go all Nike and "Just Do It."

I hope I'm not the only person who has mastered the art of procrastination.  I can put off a dreaded chore, errand or phone call for a very long time.  Eventually, however, I have to go all Nike and "Just Do It."

Today, I tackled a task that I've been avoiding for months.  Last year, during a series of odd events, I had to put some refinished but not yet reupholstered furniture into a storage unit.  At the time, the storage unit was two hours from my house.  Since I moved into the area in June, the furniture has been nagging at me.  It was ridiculous for me to be paying for storage, but I didn't have a truck, and I didn't want to borrow one, and it really was a two person job, and it was going to be really hard, and I didn't have a sensible place to put the furniture once I get it here.

Well, guess what?  It wasn't that bad.  It couldn't have taken more than 2 hours, and that included making room in the garage, driving to the storage unit, maneuvering it out the rabbit-warren of little cubes, down the elevator and into my uncle's truck, and driving very slowly back home.  Two measly hours, plus a bunch of help from my mother, and my uncle who watched the kids.  Two hours that will save me $115 when the next month's rent would be due next week.

Now onto my next job:  getting it reupholstered.  Do you think I can drag that out for a year as well?