
I'm sitting in the airport, waiting for the last leg of my flight home. I'm returning from the MilBlogging conference in Las Vegas and it's a bittersweet return. There's no place like home but in order to go home, I had to say goodbye to wonderful friends - old and new. Such is the crux of military life, isn't it?

I'm sitting in the airport, waiting for the last leg of my flight home. I'm returning from the MilBlogging conference in Las Vegas and it's a bittersweet return. There's no place like home but in order to go home, I had to say goodbye to wonderful friends - old and new. Such is the crux of military life, isn't it?

The conference, much like our SpouseBuzz Live events, allows personal relationships to be formed in a "real life" setting. My husband often jokes about my "imaginary friends" so it's nice to be able to put faces with names (and prove to him that these people do, in fact exist), even if it is only briefly.

The internet has been an INCREDIBLE source of support for me - and for many military spouses. But the real beauty comes in when you are actually afforded the opportunity to meet that support network in person.

And that is why I love events like this conference and SpouseBuzz Live. It gives me a chance to affirm relationships built across thousands of miles and adds an extra layer of "texture" (thanks SemperFi husband for that term) to them.

Do you get chances to meet your "imaginary friends" in person? Have you had a chance to get to a SBLive event yet? I have been fortunate to make it to one and I'm hoping to make it to the upcoming Tacoma event as well.

Hope to see you there!!