The Missed Phonecalls

Sunday I was on a road-trip for six hours in the car.  I ate lunch in the drive-thru, and the only time I was out of the car was a four-minute stop at a rest area.  And I was wearing pants with no pockets, so I left the cell phone in the car while I ran in.  Naturally, that's when my husband called from Iraq.  Six hours sitting twelve inches from my phone, and he calls at the worst possible time.

Sunday I was on a road-trip for six hours in the car.  I ate lunch in the drive-thru, and the only time I was out of the car was a four-minute stop at a rest area.  And I was wearing pants with no pockets, so I left the cell phone in the car while I ran in.  Naturally, that's when my husband called from Iraq.  Six hours sitting twelve inches from my phone, and he calls at the worst possible time.

So let's play Military Family Poker.  I know some of you out there can one-up me.  Tell me about the time you stepped outside to get the mail or you stuck your head in a closet and didn't hear the phone.  Let's commiserate on those missed deployment phonecalls.