Just a Dream

I listen to country music - I admit it!  I love the relatively clean and very patriotic feel.  But it's been awhile since anything came out of the country music sector about military life.  Then I was driving down the road and heard Carrie Underwood's latest song, "Just  A Dream".  I had to pull over and compose myself before I drove on.  If you haven't heard it - take a minute....

I listen to country music - I admit it!  I love the relatively clean and very patriotic feel.  But it's been awhile since anything came out of the country music sector about military life.  Then I was driving down the road and heard Carrie Underwood's latest song, "Just  A Dream".  I had to pull over and compose myself before I drove on.  If you haven't heard it - take a minute....

Thank you, Carrie!