From the Mailbag: Keeping His Chin Up When Yours is Down

An Army wife seeks advice:

An Army wife seeks advice:

I kinda need a piece of advice, how do you comfort a soldier who was just told that his stay in Iraq may be extended when you are just as heart broken as he is? I'm trying my best to assure him everything is gonna be ok, But I thought we had a couple months left and now it may be more, how do you deal with it?

I've never had to deal with an extension. My husband's first deployment was supposed to be a year, and it was. The next deployment was supposed to be six months, and it was. But, this Army wife brings up an interesting point, whether it's an extension or simply dealing with bad news. How do you deal with bad news when your spouse is half a world away? How do you keep his spirits up when yours are down? I suspect the answers will be as varied as our personalities. Some of us suck it up and mask our true disappointment in order to keep our spouses from worrying about us, and in an effort to keep them as upbeat as possible. Some of us don't hide our disappointment at all and choose to show our emotions.

What advice would you offer this wife, and how have you dealt with similar situations in the past?