Fit Club - Report In!

This week's Fit Club post is written by a wonderful friend of ours - ArmyReserveWife! 

This week's Fit Club post is written by a wonderful friend of ours - ArmyReserveWife! 

Talk about inspiring - she most certainly is!

Wow! What an honor to be asked to contribute to the SpouseBuzz

This past week has been a total washout. I have been stressing due
to the upcoming PCS and  I haven't been working out everyday like I
should which helps with the stress.

Weight loss is a journey that isn't for the weak-hearted. I
have found out that I can be strong, but at times my flesh, well it is
demanding. It tells me what it wants and like a spoiled child I tend to give
in. (I don't normally give into my children either!) So why do I give in
when I see something I want. Well I guess I am weak when it comes to telling
myself no. Yes, I know -  a shock isn't it!

I had gotten into a fabulous routine of working out. I started on
April 15th and have worked out consistently until two weeks ago.
Then bam, I missed a day here or one here, and now I am fighting to get back
into the routine. I love the way it makes me feel and I have lost 14 lbs, but
no where near where I wanted to be.

I have been overweight most of my adult life. Since marriage I have
put on more than I care to admit here. So I have a longer journey than maybe
some of you. I don't say that for sympathy I say it so maybe it will help
keep me on track. If I admit out in the world that yes, I have to get my
butt in gear and lose this weight, not so much from a vanity point (not that I
wouldn't love to be thin) but more for a health issue. My father passed away 11
years ago at the age of 47 of a heart attack. I need and want to be healthy for
me, my husband and children. I know God has called me to do more than just sit
on my big butt. I want to be able to do what He has called me to do and what I
want to do. I want to make a difference in people's lives and I know
right now the people are my kids and husband and occasionally Soldiers and
families in the Army Reserve.

So today (thanks AirforceWif) is my declaration to get back to
it. Be a healthier me for me and that means getting back to my routine of
exercise and eating for my body's health, not pleasure.

Thank you to all you fit club members you encourage me with your
weekly reports and your commitment to health and happiness!
