Neighborly wisdom

Isn't it nice when fellow spouses are traveling through town when you can lend a hand on what's available here locally?  Yesterday a friend of mine in the neighborhood had a milspouse visiting her from her old neighborhood.  My friend is civilian - but we don't hold that against her! - and she's shown a penchant for befriending military. 

Isn't it nice when fellow spouses are traveling through town when you can lend a hand on what's available here locally?  Yesterday a friend of mine in the neighborhood had a milspouse visiting her from her old neighborhood.  My friend is civilian - but we don't hold that against her! - and she's shown a penchant for befriending military. 

This poor visitor's son's leg was in a cast and it had become uncomfortable and was giving him blisters....what to do?

It made me feel so good to let her know about the local Regional Medical Center we have!  She was amazed having come from a tiny Naval station that had little more than a clinic.  OK, I'll admit - it was nice to expound on the wonderful Air Force facility we have!!!!  But what was really cool was that she was able to take her son to the ER and they called in someone from the brace shop and her son got a new, more comfortable cast! 

It's great to be able to be a resource for others who need the information we have stored in our milspouse brains!  You never know when a milspouse will be meandering through the area and need just that bit of information.  Unfortunately, the information I have stored is all about the in's and out's of the local hospital.  For heavens sake, I even recommended an ER doc, nurse and tech!  I've got to start looking for frequent flyer miles elsewhere - maybe I'll start checking out the gym......ha!

Seriously, with summer here and people traveling all over and moving to new locations - have you been someone's font of information lately?  Had a new neighbor move in and bring them cookies?  Brownies?  the name of a really good hair stylist?