FIRST Magazine Wants Real Army Wives

First it was MTV News, and now it's FIRST Magazine.

First it was MTV News, and now it's FIRST Magazine.

My name is Dana and I'm a journalist for FIRST magazine.

Currently, I'm working on a story about the show "Army Wives," and I'm looking for real-life army wives to feature as well.

We're looking for their best original tips/strategies for dealing with the stress of raising a family, balancing the house/work, etc while your significant other is away or just dealing with the stress of it in

We're also looking for a woman who is experiencing pregnancy (or has in the past) while enlisted.

If you're interested in sharing your story, click here to email Dana. Dana has requested that you include a brief paragraph about what she described above and include your name, age, city and state and a current photo.

By the way, MTV tells me they received some great responses from you. If you were selected to be featured, be sure to let us know where/when we can read/see you!

*SpouseBUZZ is not affiliated in any way with FIRST magazine.