Road Trip

What IS it about the summer that stirs up the desire to cram the fam in the car and DRIVE? Is it an urge that is stronger in military families? Or is it just me?

What IS it about the summer that stirs up the desire to cram the fam in the car and DRIVE? Is it an urge that is stronger in military families? Or is it just me?

We've been at our current duty station for 3.5 years so, mentally, my brain is ready to move. Military life has conditioned me to anticipate a move every 2-3 years. That isn't happening this time and my poor brain didn't know what to do with itself. Until Macgyver came down on TDY orders for the summer.


I decided that a road trip would be a good idea (stop laughing). But,
because we live on a turd in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, this
would be no ordinary road trip. Add to that the fact that, because we
are relatively remote, it's been a year+ since I last saw the majority
of my mainland friends and family. So not only did I start planning a
trip to the mainland, I added 2700+ miles of driving to the itinerary.

Stop laughing.

So the kids and I flew from our turd to the West Coast for a whopping
36 hours before hopping on another plane and flying east. And now the
REAL fun begins. 2700+ miles in a pregnant rollerskate (have you SEEN
gas prices???) with a 4 year old who averages 19 questions in a
60-second timeframe and a 6.5 year old who will be LUCKY to see 7 in
addition to 3 suitcases, 3 backpacks, 2 sleeping bags, and a laptop
computer whose battery gives me all of about 27 minutes of battery
life. At least I remembered to bring my iPod and FM transmitter.

STOP laughing. I'll keep you posted!