Fit Club - Report In!

Regular exercise routines during the summer just stink.

Regular exercise routines during the summer just stink.

Let's do something else.

First, a confession.  Whatever my kids had last week they ever-so-graciously gave to Mom starting on Saturday.  Joy.

I'm sure you can imagine how much exercise I got while running to the bathroom every ten seconds for one thing or another.  Actually - it DID raise my heart rate a little...

But aside from that, I seriously put myself into a deep depression over the fact that the only thing my nausea would let me keep in my stomach was sourdough toast.  I've spent the last several months really working on controlling my carb intake (not drastically, but thoughtfully), and now all I could manage to eat was carbs!  AAAAHHHHHH! 

So, enough about that.  I'm at about 90% now and was able to get to the gym twice this week as I started feeling better (when you've had those sorts of symptoms, you just don't rush back to the gym.  It could end up disastrous) and the Treadclimber was there waiting for me like a wonderful friend.  I got some no kid time, and I was feeling much better. 

Oh, and have I mentioned that it is fresh cherry and peach season?  God must love me, because I could live on those fruits.  It was very easy to slip back into healthy eating with those sorts of things to choose from.

I mentioned the last few weeks that July 17 will be our next Nikki Fitness show on SpouseBUZZ Radio .  I honestly can't wait.  Nikki will be there for questions, but she will also be discussing keeping fit while traveling - and I really need to hear that. 

It's summer - what sorts of things do you do to keep your fitness routine when the gym just seems to blah to bear?