Deployment Tantrums

Hi, I'm Erin Rages and I throw tantrums in public when my husband is deployed.

Hi, I'm Erin Rages and I throw tantrums in public when my husband is deployed.

I was on day four of a search for the perfect interview outfit. With
time running out and my infant son's patience dwindling, I picked a
dress, tried it on and (satisfied that it didn't accentuate my midsection or lack of a tan) was at the register within 15 minutes.

As I stood behind a man exchanging approximately 63 pairs of pants
(with the wrong receipt - talk about drama at JC Penney), I attempted
to keep Tucker occupied. He wasn't falling for it; he kept on screaming.

Another woman walked up behind me, although we were both off to the
side. When the man with the annoying pants situation was referred to
the manager, the cashier looked up at the lady behind me in line and
said, "I can help you now." The lady actually walked up to the register
like she was next. I was dumbfounded.

When my husband (known in the blogosphere as Scout) is home, I'm by
no means immune to rude people. The difference is that when I shoot him
the You've Got to be Kidding Me look, he slips his hand around my
waste, pulls me close, and kisses my forehead, as if to say, "It's not
that big of a deal." And then when we get in the car, he'll let me rant
and rave the whole way home about how rude some people can be.

Well, Scout wasn't here on that fateful day. So my mouth opened, and
it was too late to stop the words from leaving it. I can't even
remember exactly what I said, but I made it clear that I was next in line and unhappy about being blatantly cut in front of. The cashier and the customer both looked at
me like I was a crazy person. As I walked away in anger to find
another register, I accidentally ran the stroller into a gondola,
knocking over whatever it was displaying. Now embarrassed, I hurriedly
made my escape, but not before I heard them talking about how insane
some people are.

What bad behavior does deployment or TDY cause in you?