Tonight on SBTR: Protect Yourself and Your Belongings

Tonight on SBTR, we are hosting a show about protecting your belongings, and your identity. Joining us for the first half of the program will be Tim Decker, USAA's Executive Director of Bank Fraud Services. Tim will talk with us about how to protect ourselves from "fraudsters" and "scams."

Tonight on SBTR, we are hosting a show about protecting your belongings, and your identity. Joining us for the first half of the program will be Tim Decker, USAA's Executive Director of Bank Fraud Services. Tim will talk with us about how to protect ourselves from "fraudsters" and "scams."

During the second half of the program, we'll be joined by Justin Schmitt, USAA's Executive Director of Property and Casualty Communications. Many military families rent their homes and apartments so we'll speak with Justin about the benefits of purchasing renter's insurance; why it's important, what it covers and how much it costs.

Tim and Justin will be taking your calls and answering your questions. In honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May 9), USAA will present two lucky callers (must be a military spouse) with iPod Nanos, so get ready to phone your questions in. You could walk away with a brand new iPod!   

Don't miss tonight's show, it's going to be chock full of advice and tips. Click here at 9:00 p.m. EDT to listen in. And please join us in the chat room.