It's a good thing DP sent me flowers

When the Dark Prince left for the sandbox, he left such a mess of dirty/clean clothing, etc., in his room and car that Lancelot and I practiced avoidance for a period of time.  The Light twin came home last week and as part of my Mother's Day present, helped me clean out his room. 

When the Dark Prince left for the sandbox, he left such a mess of dirty/clean clothing, etc., in his room and car that Lancelot and I practiced avoidance for a period of time.  The Light twin came home last week and as part of my Mother's Day present, helped me clean out his room. 


I think I have mentioned that his father and I washed 11 loads of clothing.  Scratch that!!  We're up to 15 loads and we ain't done yet!!!  Here's the tally so far and this does not include his Marine stuff:

24 pairs of pants, 35 Pairs of shorts and I AM NOT COUNTING HIS @#$#%#$#$#@ SHIRTS!!! Let's just say that there are two dresser drawers and one large bin filled with shirts so far.  So far. 

His car netted similar results:  15 pairs of shoes in the trunk, two pair of "lost" sunglasses, one "lost" ipod, one "lost" digital camera and Oscar the Grouch would just be in heaven with the amount of garbage extracted from the vehicle.

THE SMELL (you know that smell...I'm not going to describe it but we all have smelled it.  Maybe not to the degree that the car smelled.) is slowly going away.  Light and Dark Twin are going to use his car for the summer.  Light Twin is going "in" right now to detail it armed with Lysol, windex, febreze and a gas mask.   Pray for her!!!!

It occurred to me this morning that he gets the clothing thing from his father.  A tour of our closets would reveal that Lancelot is a closet clothes horse.  In our large, walk in closet, he OWNS 66% of it.  He has clothes in Dark Twin's closet as well as the basement coat closet. 

And he calls me Imelda?  I think it's time for the women of Casa Semper Fi to rise up and demand clothing parity and their equal use of closets.  Look out, Kohl's, Target, Ann Taylor, Old Navy!!  We will not be denied!!!!