A Silly Interlude

Recently on a non-military blog I enjoy reading I saw a post that I thought many SpouseBUZZ readers might get a kick out of.

Recently on a non-military blog I enjoy reading I saw a post that I thought many SpouseBUZZ readers might get a kick out of.

The post was about how we describe ourselves, and it was more than a bit challenging.

You see, what miriam (a former librarian) was asking us to to was to write our autobiography... In just six words.

How can you describe yourself in six words - no more, no less?  Six words? 

Well, I managed to do mine, and when I read it out loud to Air Force Guy, he agreed that I had found precisely the right words for my autobiography.  I'll put it in this post - but I would also LOVE to hear from our SpouseBUZZ readers - what would your six word autobiography be?

Mine is this:

I have not yet been arrested.