Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride

Today was the beginning of the Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride.  Prior to the ride, President Bush addressed the crowd.  Thought you might want to read what he said. 

Today was the beginning of the Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride.  Prior to the ride, President Bush addressed the crowd.  Thought you might want to read what he said. 

We are very fortunate to have a Commander-in-Chief who truly supports the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States.  His support of the troops is palpable to anyone who has had the privilege of hearing him!  Good on him for recognizing the recovering heroes in this manner!  We can all be so incredibly proud of the service members who show how much chutzpa our troops have!




     THE PRESIDENT:  Thanks for coming.  Doocy, thanks
for the introduction.  This has got to be one of the most inspiring athletic
events in our nation's history.  At least it is for me, and I hope it is for


     I was going to ride with the guys today, but Laura
told me I probably wouldn't be able to keep up.  (Laughter.)  There is no doubt
in my mind the people behind me are some of the most bravest people in our
country's history.  I admire their courage; I admire their determination. 
(Applause.)  We're honored to have you here. 


     I'm also joined by the Secretary of State,
Condoleezza Rice.  Thank you for coming, Madam Secretary.  (Applause.) 
Secretary Jim Peake of the Department of Veterans Affairs is with us.  Deputy
Secretary Gordon England is with us.  Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs are here.  Other members of my administration and members of Congress. 
The reason they're there is the same reason I'm here -- we love and respect our
military.  And I thank you for coming.  (Applause.)


     I want to thank Granger Smith and the Band for
joining us today.  Thanks for being here.  I appreciate those who wear the
uniform who have joined us.  I'm proud of you.  Thanks for serving.  I want to
thank the Wounded Warriors.  I want to thank their care-givers from Walter Reed
and Bethesda.  I appreciate the members of the Wounded Warrior Project, and I
want to thank the family members and friends who are here today.  Welcome to the
White House.  (Applause.)


     Four years ago, Chris Carney decided to ride
coast-to-coast to raise awareness and money for our wounded warriors.  In the
first year he biked more than 5,000 miles, from Long Island to the Pacific
Ocean, and raised more than a million dollars for the Wounded Warrior Project. 
He started what's called the annual Soldier Ride. 


     The next year, wounded vets started coming along. 
In 2006, 75 wounded warriors took turns riding portions of the cross-country
journey.  These servicemen and women rode to raise money for their fellow
soldiers, including those who were hurt too much to ride.  And they also rode to
show themselves what they could do, and in so doing, they showed the world what
they could do.


     Americans came out to cheer.  More soldiers and
supporters came out to ride.  More Americans then came out to show their
support.  So the Soldier Ride started doing different races around the country
so even more of our citizens could participate.  Today hundreds of people have
gathered here on the South Lawn to kick off this ride, and I want to thank you
all for being here.  (Applause.) 


     The three-day bike ride you're starting today at
the White House says a lot.  It says that you're showing that even when you're
wounded, you're not done fighting.  One of the riders today is Marine Corporal
Chad Watson.  I've gotten to know Chad.  I met him when I was at Walter Reed
three weeks after his Humvee was hit with an IED on patrol in Fallujah.  He lost
his right leg, he shattered his left ankle and foot, he took shrapnel to his
face.  And when I went into his room, he wanted to stand at attention and shake
hands with the Commander-in-Chief, as well as salute. 


     He got up to his walker.  His daddy helped him and
so did his brother.  He held himself upright with his arm strength while a
fellow Marine read his accommodation, and I had the honor of giving him the
Purple Heart. 


     I told him to sit down.  He didn't want to.  He was
a Marine.  (Applause.)  And now he's here.  He's got a new leg, and thanks to
that leg, Chad will be able to start on even a greater journey than the one he
begins today -- this summer he's going to walk down the aisle to get married to
his beautiful bride.  (Applause.)  We're glad you're here.


     The technology that you're witnessing today is
helping our troops regain their lives, and it's state of the art, and that's the
way it should be.  We owe those who wear the uniform all the support they can
possibly have.  We'll give them the best medical care, and for the docs and
nurses here, there's no doubt in my mind our troops get the best medical care


     We owe them the best prosthesis, and if there's a
new advance, it will be made available for our folks.  We owe them a Veterans
Health Administration that's seamless and works well.  We owe them our


     These service members are focused on what you have
to give than what you've lost.  I appreciate the spirit of those in the Soldier


     I thank my fellow citizens for supporting our
troops.  I appreciate the fact that the families have stood by those who wear
the uniform.  I appreciate your loved ones who are here today to cheer you on. 
The riders represent the spirit of the strongest military in the world, and the
greatest country on Earth.  I'm thankful that we have brave men and women like
you who step forward to protect America.  I'm proud to be your


     And now let us get started.  God bless you. 