Groundhog Day

We're approaching peak PCS season. A lot of military families have their new orders in hand and are beginning to make transportation appointments, search for housing at their new destination and sort through their belongings to decide which items the movers should take, which items need to be kept with them and which items they can sell or donate to charity.

We're approaching peak PCS season. A lot of military families have their new orders in hand and are beginning to make transportation appointments, search for housing at their new destination and sort through their belongings to decide which items the movers should take, which items need to be kept with them and which items they can sell or donate to charity.

Several years ago when we lived in Kansas, my husband told me that we needed to participate in the post-wide yard sale. I looked at him and said, "But we don't have anything to sell." And I really thought that was the case. But then I went through the house, room by room, and managed to find an appalling number of items that I could part with, and didn't need. One morning my husband left for work and the garage was just a garage. When he returned, it had been transformed into a yard sale staging area and there was no longer room for his car. We ended up making over $600 in that garage sale!

Friday was groundhog day. My husband informed me that we WOULD be participating in the post yard sale. My response was the same as it was eight years ago. This time I was even more convinced that my response was true. We moved less than a year ago and I had trimmed the fat pretty well.

I was wrong, of course...

I no longer buy junk, as far as household goods go. The many moves over the years have seen to that. But I haven't been so good in the clothes/shoes/handbag department....


In fact, the bottom bin is full of clothes which still have the price tags on them. Shame.On.Me.

I spent the entire weekend sorting through closets and combing through boxes in the basement that hadn't been opened since we moved here, and I'm just getting warmed up. I washed and folded and sorted. We're leaving the frozen tundra for paradise, which means the bulky winter clothes I've needed over the last eight years will not be needed for the next three (hopefully more). I kept classic winter pieces that will never go out of style, but opted to throw the rest in the sale pile.

I'm really getting into this yard sale thing. I've been working my way through every nook and crannie in the house in search of anything I might want to sell. My mojo was so fierce that my husband warned Max to stay out of the way lest he end up in a yard sale bin. He almost did:


I've been counting my imaginary money. My goal is $500. Which is exactly what I'll need to buy more stuff that I can sell in the next purge....