It All Started in Texas

You know, I'm going to have to say that a good number of military stories start this way, "Well, we were stationed in Texas..." 

You know, I'm going to have to say that a good number of military stories start this way, "Well, we were stationed in Texas..." 

Because we have all been.  Or will be.  Trust me on that one.

I'm going to admit something fairly gross right here - I don't shower first thing in the morning.  I generally wait until about noon because I don't want to shower once, get dressed, work out, and shower again.  My hair has issues, and I would most certainly be bald if I tried that.  I shower after I work out.

So, anyway, I'm generally not showered at 8 am.

Also, it's spring.  And spring in the DC area is just beautiful, but there are definitely side effects for me.  I'm currently walking around looking like I walked into a pair of boxing gloves. 

What really gets me is that I never had allergies until we moved to Texas.  And then, holy heck on toast - the Mountain Cedar knocked me OUT.  Every January or so I was ready to cash in my chips and die.  And the worst part is that after twenty-some-odd years of perfect health in the spring, I'm now sensitive to just about anything.  Thanks a lot, Lone Star State.  I'm not sure Tex-Mex makes up for that.

But all this is really just  a round-about way for me to tell the UPS/Mailman - DON'T RING THE BELL ON MY FRONT DOOR AT 9 AM UNLESS YOU ARE DYING ON MY FRONT LAWN.

Ahem.  Thank you.

I stink, I look like Hell on a bicycle, I'm not done with my morning tea so I can't be blamed for my irrational anger, and I'm just looking for someone to blame for my alarm going off.  And, to be totally honest, you're lucky I'm even wearing a bra - and it's only a sports bra, so I'm well aware that it looks like I only have one large boob.  My allergy meds have not kicked in yet, and I'm not in a syrupy sweet welcoming mood unless you leave a huge box of chocolate. 

I'm honestly thinking of creating a series of public service announcements, "Call before you knock!" 

And on that same subject of comfy "just-woke-up" clothes, have you seen the new work-out skorts?  I think they're pretty cute.  I'm looking for one in camouflage.