Did You Hear That?

Earlier yesterday I believe the Heavens opened, the clouds parted, and choirs of angels sang the Hallelujah Chorus.  Or whatever it is that angel choirs sing when a moment of supreme wonderful-ness happens on Earth.

Earlier yesterday I believe the Heavens opened, the clouds parted, and choirs of angels sang the Hallelujah Chorus.  Or whatever it is that angel choirs sing when a moment of supreme wonderful-ness happens on Earth.

I think -- I THINK -- I have found a babysitter.

The babysitter thing has been driving AFG and me nuts lately.  We moved off base to a non-military community in November.  Since November 1st, we have had a grand total of three times out without our kids.  Total.  As in - we haven't been to the store sans children, haven't been to Barnes and Noble or Starbucks for a moment of peace, haven't taken a walk alone FOR FIVE MONTHS.  Well, three times we did.  Each time it was because we shelled out the dough for Parents Survival Night at Little Gym (great program, by the way, for those of you looking for a way to have ANY moment of peace in between babysitters).

Anyway, you can imagine I'm sure (because I'll bet many of you have been there) how that was going over with me.  And yet I had no clue where to look for someone to come in every so often and spend a few hours watching my rugrats so I could go sip a sugar-free mocha and enjoy the relative quiet and lack of booger-noses.

Enter a 21 year old college student named Alex.  Yay for Alex!  We just kind of stumbled on to her, and she's cheaper than Little Gym.  And although not available every second of every day (and there are times that I feel the urge to find someone like that), she has more availability than Little Gym's once-a-month Saturday nights.

We found Alex just in time to enable me to attend an event we were invitold (thanks for that term, Guard Wife!  It's perfect) to on Thursday.  No kids.  No babysitting arrangements.  Don't get me started.

But did I mention that I'm getting out of the house with my sexy hubby on Thursday and NO KIDS in tow?

I just might wear white!