SpouseBUZZ Fit Club: Report In!

You know, you people are keeping me in check.  Honestly.  The very thought that I have to report in every Friday about how well I've managed to keep up does wonders to stop me from running through that drive through in a haze of addictive frenzy. 

You know, you people are keeping me in check.  Honestly.  The very thought that I have to report in every Friday about how well I've managed to keep up does wonders to stop me from running through that drive through in a haze of addictive frenzy. 

Accountability - it works.

Jeans are still getting looser, not as fast as I'd like, but enough to know that there's definitely a difference.  To my utter horror, I had to drop bread from my diet this week, too.  First fast food, then sugar, now bread.  OH, THE HUMANITY!

And before we really get into the Fit Club post - we need to give a few shout outs!  Army Blogger Wife and Aircrew Fiancee have made some great strides in their Fitness journey, losing nearly 20 and over 10 pounds respectively on healthy diet plans - Please give them a hoo-ah, hoorah, outstanding, or whatever your service choice of noise is.  Christine reported great success through week three of Couch to 5K, Homefront 6 is rediscovering her swimming roots, and LAW is sticking with it even when she is too tired to scratch her nose.  If there's one thing we've learned about LAW here on Spousebuzz, she is honest and to me that is a GREAT inspiration.  OUTSTANDING, you all! 

Keep reading, after the jump I have some great pictures!

I've been very good about following my exercise routine.  Believe it or not, aside from the Fit Club posts, I have a mantra I follow in a quote from Sarah's husband.  Sarah's husband is a very matter of fact kind of guy, and I'm not very matter of fact at all.  That's why the quote works so well.

What it boils down to is this:  some people have great bodies with little effort because of genetics. 

Well, I know darn well THOSE genetics missed me.  So I'd better get my butt off the couch and go work out, because it's not going to get any better unless I do. 

Kind of takes the hemming and hawing out of the equation for me. 

Also, I got some great new workout moves from a great program my kids attended last Friday afternoon at a business here called Fitwize 4 Kids.  I ask you, what could be more cute than a 5 year old on a miniature rowing machine?  Not much.


Fitwize has great supervision and great motivation.  My kids LOVED it and can't wait to go back.  The trainer working with them, a very energetic man named Saied, had them spend about 1 minute at each station before a marvelous British accent would announce, "ro-TATE!" and the kids would go on to the next exercise.


A seven year old on a stair-master!  I nearly died laughing - not only did my kids get a workout that exhausted them and yet pumped them up, but the cute factor was totally undeniable. 


I also got some great ideas to add to my circuit routine from some of the floor exercises that Saied had the kids doing.  So it benefited the kids and mom!

I have to say I was tremendously impressed with the whole concept of Fitwize4Kids, as well as how it was actually run.  The children were excited as heck with the idea of getting to work out on the same equipment Dad uses, but sized for them.  Saied not only motivated them, but watched carefully to make sure that they were doing the exercises correctly and not harming themselves, the quick changes kept their attention, and the workout was over an hour long (parents are not required to stay and watch) - well worth the 10$ per child homeschool class fee. 

I may be the one in our family really focusing on SpouseBUZZ Fit Club, but the kids definitely benefit from being introduced to ways to integrate good habits.  They can't wait to go back to Fitwize.

So - report in all of you!  This week I'd love to hear about everyone's diet pitfalls!