Simply Saturday

Our weekdays are usually packed. School, Awana, gymnastics, errands, doctor and dentist visits, homework, night classes, gym goes on and on. I've found that by the end of the week, we're literally craving some downtime.

Our weekdays are usually packed. School, Awana, gymnastics, errands, doctor and dentist visits, homework, night classes, gym goes on and on. I've found that by the end of the week, we're literally craving some downtime.

Which is just what we gave ourselves today.

It was glorious.

There was lounging. There was laying about. There was some puttering. But mostly, there was just downtime.

It was actually tough to keep this day free. Because of MacGyver's work and night-class schedule, we don't get a lot of family time with him during the week. So the temptation to find something "fun" to do was tempting. But we didn't and I'm glad. We played a mean round of "Zingo" with the kids, watched a bit of "The Sound of Music", enjoyed a nice lunch together, and washed the car while it was still sunny (I'm not sure whether the car or the kids had more water on them!).

What do you with your "downtime"?