Military Teens

The Military Child Education Coalition is gathering insights from youths who were ages 12 to 20 when their loved one deployed, for a book to be published for teens.

The Military Child Education Coalition is gathering insights from youths who were ages 12 to 20 when their loved one deployed, for a book to be published for teens.

If you're a teenager who has experienced the deployment of a loved one since Sept. 11, 2001, here's your chance to offer advice to help other teens - and be published.

The nonprofit Military Child Education Coalition is gathering insights from youths who were ages 12 to 20 when their loved one deployed, for a book to be published for teens.

The deadline for input is March 31. A printed and signed statement of permission from a parent is required before a student's information can be used in the book; only first names are used.

"Teens are most likely to listen to the wisdom and advice of other teens, and there is no one better qualified to offer advice about deployment than the teens that have experienced it," the coalition said in a statement. There are few resources to help military teens during deployments, said the coalition's director, Mary Keller.

Questions relate to support networks, relationships, communication during deployment and reunion experiences.

The form is available at here. It also will be available on the MCEC website. The completed form can be returned by e-mail, fax or mail.