Hey! You! New around here?

Every so often, we learn of a new wave of folks that have found SpouseBUZZ and are making those first, tentative steps into our corner of the blogosphere.  You've been around probably and seen many of the other wonderful and informative blogs that while they piqued your interest, just maybe missed the mark.

Every so often, we learn of a new wave of folks that have found SpouseBUZZ and are making those first, tentative steps into our corner of the blogosphere.  You've been around probably and seen many of the other wonderful and informative blogs that while they piqued your interest, just maybe missed the mark.

Please allow me to say to you, Welcome!  As a military spouse, this is your place to listen to, and read about, and relate with other spouses of military members from all over the place.  Here you'll soon see just how we transcend Service, rank, branch, and yes, gender.  This is your place to come together and relate your experiences with others as who knows?, you just may hold the key to someone else's brighter future.  Laugh with us, cry with us, but most importantly, stay the course with us, for the authors will keep it humming, but it's you that makes it worthwhile for all of us. 

Some of you see your turn "in the bucket" being less than 60 days away.  Hug your mate and be with them like never before until they step to their "chalk," then come back to see us.  We'll be here to keep you company until they return.

Welcome to the BUZZ; and know that all of our prayers are with each of you who are about to send your mate into harm's way.  With hat-in-hand, I'm Over & Out, MaintenanceToadOne