Feel Good Friday!

Looking for an inspiring story or two to perk up your Friday?

Looking for an inspiring story or two to perk up your Friday?

Then THIS is the post for you!

Bncoc_class_1 We can start our quest for the inspiring story in the DC-area. 

This morning, a handful of wounded warriors at WRAMC graduated from BNCOC (Basic Non-Commissioned Officers' Course--"B-Knock").  The class of six contained 4 wounded soldiers in its ranks.  This monumental achievement is especially huge given where these soldiers currently reside.  This course, one in a series required for promotion from E-5 to E-6 is no walk in the park.  Hubs did it while he was firing on all cylinders...I don't imagine he'd want to try it when taking on intense physical therapy or, like one of these soldiers did--in a wheelchair.  These men and women are to be commended for ALL they do and especially admired for putting their shoulders to the grindstone and gutting this out.

You can see additional photos and read a first-hand account of this amazing day at Sniper's site.  HOOAH!

Then, the story of Seth Dupont touched me this morning.  This 17-year-old received some welcome words of praise and encouragment from his father when he took his oath of enlistment for the National Guard.  The neat part?  Dad's a LTC currently serving in Iraq and was able to complete the oath ceremony with his son via a videoconference.  The elder Dupont, a 29-year member of the Guard, told his son that he was proud of him, loved him and that his son had made a "good, strong decision."  I second that thought and encourage you to go read the entire story.  It will make your Friday!