A Request for an Interview

Andrea Downing Peck, a writer for Military Spouse Magazine, has a request for those of you who may be interested. If so, you can contact Andrea at canwrite4u@yahoo.com.

Andrea Downing Peck, a writer for Military Spouse Magazine, has a request for those of you who may be interested. If so, you can contact Andrea at canwrite4u@yahoo.com.

I am currently working on a story for the magazine called "A New Definition of Normal: How Should a Parent React to an Empty Nest." Not only am I looking to interview an empty nest parent or two, but I would love to interview someone whose spouse has retired from the military at about the same time their child has left the nest. That double whammy of changes would seem like a particularly difficult transition - and one that few outside the military would ever endure. 

My deadline is April 7.