SpouseBUZZ Pajama Party: Special Edition TONIGHT!

As you know, airforcewife has recently started a SpouseBUZZ Fit Club. Looks like she's doing pretty well, too. Tonight, we're going to host a special edition of SpouseBUZZ Talk Radio at 9:00 p.m. EST. Joining us will be Robert Andres Carvajal, and he'll be taking YOUR calls.

As you know, airforcewife has recently started a SpouseBUZZ Fit Club. Looks like she's doing pretty well, too. Tonight, we're going to host a special edition of SpouseBUZZ Talk Radio at 9:00 p.m. EST. Joining us will be Robert Andres Carvajal, and he'll be taking YOUR calls.


YOWZA! I'm already intimidated....

A bit about Robert:

Robert Andres Carvajal has created Infitnity, a revolutionary fitness program. This unique training format integrates his extensive martial arts experience as an instructor in Tae Kwon Do and Hap Ki Do and practitioner in Muay Thai kickboxing, Capoeira, Kung Fu, Gymnastics and break dance.  Robert holds degrees and certifications in kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science.  Infitnity is adaptable to all age groups and physical fitness levels.   
Robert has been gaining world-wide recognition and has trained American Olympians.  With the start of his new sports line Infitnity, Robert has literally had to fight for where he stands today.

Infitnity's website can be found here, and the MySpace page here.

We'll see you tonight on SBTR and in the chat room