
Andi's post her Grandmother has reminded me of a few things....

Andi's post her Grandmother has reminded me of a few things....

We are traveling this coming weekend to our new duty station. 

DH has been blessed with a position, that happens to be in our home state, the home of most of our relatives, and friends.  This has been a thrilling notion for our family.  We will now be able to see family more readily than we have in years.



My Husband reminded me the other night, that we have not been home for a "visit" for years as a collective family.  And when I say visit, I mean in a non-funeral, non-illness, no wedding.  A visit.

It is amazing to me, that military families weather the things they do without having family and good friends so near.

Since we are a National Guard family, I find myself surrounded by civilians most of my days, and my perspective on this might be a little different than most of you.  But when I take my children to library time, I see Grandparents there instead of parents because they are providing most of the childcare.  When I go to church, I see extended families Aunts, Uncles etc who get daily interaction with nieces and nephews.   Or at least have the option to see family when they care to. 

And I really am reminded to thank those of you, who sacrifice that family connection  in order to serve the country.  You are really amazing in my book.  Because it is hard to be self reliant at times, but military families prove it is possible every day. 

Thank You