Please tell me - why do I do this?

Why do I keep doing this?  Today I realized that I really, really don't like one of my current volunteer obligations.  I'll keep doing it, because I said I would, and I'll probably do a pretty good job.  It's not a hard job, and I've got the experience, and it will be over in a month.  And it isn't really time consuming.  So what is the problem?

Why do I keep doing this?  Today I realized that I really, really don't like one of my current volunteer obligations.  I'll keep doing it, because I said I would, and I'll probably do a pretty good job.  It's not a hard job, and I've got the experience, and it will be over in a month.  And it isn't really time consuming.  So what is the problem?

The problem is that I just don't care about this particular job.  There's nothing about it that speaks to me.  It isn't a subject that I feel passionate about, it isn't benefiting any particularly needy or deserving group, and I honestly know that my efforts aren't making any difference in the big picture.  If I quit today, the only negative outcome would be that people would know that I quit.

But quitting isn't really an option. 

For starters, I said I would do the job.  I can't even complain that
I was coerced, for a I walked right up to the chairperson and
volunteered to help.   And though my job is pretty unimportant, other
committee members would feel let down if I quit.  And that would be

I should have thought a little longer before I offered myself for
this job.  But sometimes these spur-of-the-moment offers turn into
wonderful opportunities, and I would hate to miss a chance to make a
new friend, learn a new skill, or do something fantastic.  So I guess
that for now, I need to put on a smile and go out and do my best. 

Maybe next time I will be able to control myself when someone asks
for volunteers.  But don't be surprised if you walk into your next
committee meeting and see me there, because there are always new things
to learn, or new people to meet, or new things to do.  And I have a
hard time saying no, even if it is to myself.