A Daily Dose of Pamper

I was one of the luckiest teens in the world - rare was the day when I had a zit of any sort.

I was one of the luckiest teens in the world - rare was the day when I had a zit of any sort.

I just didn't have a pimple problem - no acne, no nothing.  Life was good.

So I'm hoping someone can explain to me how, as soon as I hit my thirties, my skin decided to turn into some terrible version of "Teen Fast Food Worker."

Luckily, help is available.

I need to elaborate a little further, I think.

I'm personally terrified of aging.  I don't really know why.  I've spent quite a pretty penny on face lotions, scrubs, toners, and various products designed to slow down the march of time across my face.  My efforts redoubled the first time I bought alcohol and wasn't carded (that was a bad, bad day).

I've tried Avon, I've tried Olay.  I've tried everything from the Susan Lucci collection to Clinique.  Some things work okay, but they never work for long.  And rarely do I get exactly what I want from using only one specific product line.  I've spent quite a bit trying to discover the perfect solution to my skin care issues.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the products that worked best for me were some of the least expensive on the Rite Aid shelf:

Queen Helene products

I use the Mint Julep Scrub and the Mint Julep Masque.  And that regression to my teens?  Pretty much over.

I just LOVE it when frugality and skin care mesh.