TRICARE: Have Questions? Get Answers.

When you say the word TRICARE, a lot of emotions boil to the surface. Mostly confusion. The few times that it's been mentioned here at SpouseBUZZ is proof of that. To be fair, we haven't probed the topic adequately, but that's about to change because TRICARE is a huge issue for military families.

When you say the word TRICARE, a lot of emotions boil to the surface. Mostly confusion. The few times that it's been mentioned here at SpouseBUZZ is proof of that. To be fair, we haven't probed the topic adequately, but that's about to change because TRICARE is a huge issue for military families.

We are thrilled to have the ear of Army Major General Elder Granger, the Deputy Director of TRICARE Management Activity. On Thursday, February 7, General Granger will join us on SBTR for the full hour to discuss TRICARE, and to answer your questions. Also joining us will be Francine Forestell, Director of Customer Service. This is your chance to ask questions of the people who know TRICARE inside and out.

We anticipate this will be one of our more heavily attended shows, so we are asking that you submit questions before January 29. We'll ask as many questions as we can during the hour. You can leave your question in the comment section below, or, if you're more comfortable, click here to send an email with "TRICARE" in the subject line.

We're looking forward to speaking with Maj. Gen. Granger and Ms. Forestell next month.

Don't forget to mark February 7 on your calender. Come back and listen to the show so that you can hear the answer to your question. The show will air at 9:00 p.m. EST on February 7.

Edit: Hi all -- you'll note that this post was published in 2008. While we DO appreciate that you still have TRICARE questions, we're going to go ahead and close this to comments. We don't want anyone to think that leaving a comment here will result in an answer any time soon. Sorry!