Pimp Your Stuff

SpouseBUZZ receives a large amount of email from readers, business owners, aspiring business owners, authors and non-profit groups asking us to write about -- or link to -- their particular project, product or service. The overwhelming majority of these emails are legitimate and are deserving of a link. Unfortunately, we cannot blog or link everything, or feature everyone on SBTR. Otherwise, we would spend most of our time promoting outside interests and little time doing what we do here, discussing life from the perspective of military spouses and being a virtual hub for spousal support.

SpouseBUZZ receives a large amount of email from readers, business owners, aspiring business owners, authors and non-profit groups asking us to write about -- or link to -- their particular project, product or service. The overwhelming majority of these emails are legitimate and are deserving of a link. Unfortunately, we cannot blog or link everything, or feature everyone on SBTR. Otherwise, we would spend most of our time promoting outside interests and little time doing what we do here, discussing life from the perspective of military spouses and being a virtual hub for spousal support.

In order to solve this problem, we've decided to start a new series here called, "Pimp Your Stuff."

We will collect these emails, and once per month we'll put links to the product/service/project that you want to showcase, all in one big "Pimp Your Stuff" post. This way, our readers can sort through the links and see if they find something of interest, and we don't have to turn away legitimate and reasonable requests.

We've already collected several emails from December and January. They will be included in the first post, which will be posted at the end of the month. So here's your chance. If you want to promote something (and it's pertinent to military families and doesn't appear to be a scam or a shady proposal) send an email with "Pimp Your Stuff" in the subject line. We probably won't have the time to respond to every email, but know that we will collect them and post links for the the ones we feel are appropriate to showcase. We will include email that we receive without "Pimp Your Stuff" in the subject line to the post if we feel it's a good fit for the category.

Note: Those of you who sent email in December/January, no need to resend. We have them, they are filed and will be included in the January 31 post.

Pimp on...