Military Mail 411

Hey, where'd that package go?

Hey, where'd that package go?

Military Mail Allows for Email  Inquiry on Lost Parcels

Are you a military member who has deployed or redeployed overseas, and are still waiting on your footlocker, duffle bag, or parcel to arrive?  There is now an e-mail address to inquire or claim mail that has yet to arrive and was sent more than 60 days from the date of mailing.  Military members and their families can now contact the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) at the following e-mail address:

Please include the following details in your e-mail to MPSA:  contact phone number, e-mail address, rank, first and last name, mailing address, return address, any insured, certified, registered or confirmation number (if applicable), date of mailing, type of container used for mailing, a detailed description of the container contents, and any additional information that could be used to help identify your item such as distinctive marking.  Once the information is received, MPSA will contact the service member to positively identify the owner and ship the item to the recipient should it be found.

"The best way to ensure your package is delivered, in the event the address label is lost or destroyed, would be to enclose the mailing address information on the inside of each parcel," according to Tech. Sgt Steven L. Bennett, mail recovery coordinator for MPSA.  Address information can be typed or legibly written on a piece of 8 ½ X 11, bond paper or a 3 x 5 index card, and it must include the complete address information of the mailer and recipient.  This will help postal employees determine who the article belongs to and provide them an address to forward your items. 

"This is just one example of the Department of Defense doing what we can to better serve those that serve the American people - our soldiers and families.  Help us help you by contacting the Military Postal Service Agency at, " said COL David Ernst, Military Postal Service Agency Deputy Director.

Note: Email address corrected on 2/22/08