I Have an Announcement to Make!

After three visits to the DMV, a visit to the Country Treasurer's Office, a lost car registration from California, and someone attempting to tell me that my CA driver's license, my military ID, my birth certificate, and my social security card were not enough to establish my identity (and causing a fit of rage and temper only someone who knows a redhead in person can appreciate)...

After three visits to the DMV, a visit to the Country Treasurer's Office, a lost car registration from California, and someone attempting to tell me that my CA driver's license, my military ID, my birth certificate, and my social security card were not enough to establish my identity (and causing a fit of rage and temper only someone who knows a redhead in person can appreciate)...

I HAVE A VIRGINIA DRIVER'S LICENSE!!  And my cars are successfully registered, too.

The picture is horrible.

Many, many thanks to those of you who emailed me and commented on my last post about the travails of petty bureaucracy.  It was precisely your suggestions which enabled me to get this done.

Yay for SpouseBUZZ!  Ya'll had a sister's back!