Adjustment or overkill?

My Husband had recently applied, and was hired to a new position. 

My Husband had recently applied, and was hired to a new position. 

This has been good news for our family, on several fronts. 

We will be moving to our home state, where we have family and friends, I will be moving to a familiar area!  No more getting lost, and not knowing where I am.  (yes, even after 7 years, I still get lost).

Oh and winter.  Real winter.  In fact I just got off the phone with my Sister, and it is a balmy 16 degrees right now, without the wind chill.  Brrrr.

We have been living in the Mid south now for 7 years.   I am not really thrilled with this idea of WINTER.  My children are thrilled with the prospect of snow, and snowball fights, and snow forts.  Acckkk.  After 7 years, I will say I have adjusted to the "warmer than I am used to" winters.  I have never had to wear my full winter gear here.  I have never had to pull out my long black wool coat, cashmere scarf, hat, and gloves.  Not once.  A fleece North Faced jacket is more than enough.

My children have no idea how to keep track of mittens, gloves, and boots.  They do not know the thrill of getting all of your winter gear on, only to note you have to to the restroom.  They complain in the morning when it is 30 degrees with no wind, "brr, Mom buckle my seat, it is so cold my nose hurts." 

Yes, I know, I am in for it. 

I am already trying to budget for winter.  I will need an ice scraper, a snow shovel, down comforters for each and every bed, flannel sheets, snowsuits, caps, ski-masks, gloves and boots for 4 people, silk long underwear, snowshoes, a reindeer,  a sled, a remote car starter (I refuse to run out in a robe and warm up the car in 8 degree weather).  I also want one of those fleece adult blanket couch robe thingys I see in the likes of Cabela's. 

No more 4 inch high heels to run errands in in the dead of winter.  Unless of course I want to break a hip or arm on the ice.  4 inch heels on the great plains in the dead of winter?  Well they are just plain old silly. 

I will not miss the 99 precent humidity on a 120 degree day. 

I need to keep telling myself that.