Thank You Ft. Bragg/Pope Spouses

It's 11:05 p.m. and I've just returned to my room. I am exhausted, yet oddly energized. Spending the last few days, and today in particular, with military spouses has been a wonderful experience. SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope was a huge success. Today, I was surrounded by my sisters and my brothers. I felt right at home among you. We laughed and we cried (especially when Cliff Hudson performed).

It's 11:05 p.m. and I've just returned to my room. I am exhausted, yet oddly energized. Spending the last few days, and today in particular, with military spouses has been a wonderful experience. SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope was a huge success. Today, I was surrounded by my sisters and my brothers. I felt right at home among you. We laughed and we cried (especially when Cliff Hudson performed).

Today we celebrated the one thing we all have in common - military service. I met several wonderful spouses today. I wish I could have met all of you. Whether I met you or not, you made an impression on me. You reminded me how proud I am to be a military spouse, and how lucky I am to have an army of sisters and brothers.

I'm sure many of us will have a lot more to say about this event in the coming days, but I didn't want to go to bed without saying thanks to all the spouses who attended today. You're all beautiful and strong and fabulous.