SpouseBuzz Live 3...Remains of the Day

I can't believe almost a week has passed since SpouseBuzz LIVE took place in Fayetteville.  It's also hard to believe how many times a man can say, "Let's just do it and then we can talk" in one week's time.

I can't believe almost a week has passed since SpouseBuzz LIVE took place in Fayetteville.  It's also hard to believe how many times a man can say, "Let's just do it and then we can talk" in one week's time.

If you don't know what that's in reference to, you either weren't paying attention in Fayetteville or you haven't watched the archived event at SyncLive.

Even with final exams looming, my brain has processed SBL3 and plenty of good things happened.

Just as you may have had the opportunity to meet and greet people or get to know your fellow military spouses a bit better, I had the chance to spend some quality time with my fellow SB authors.  Strangely enough, most of that quality time was spent with GBear and Toad.  Their willingness to spend time with me may have been precipitated by their abandoning me along the roadside at Ruby Tuesday's after dinner Friday night.  If you are familiar with the locale of the event, you'll know a Ruby Tuesday restaurant sits across the multi-lane highway from the event venue.  Those two offered to walk back with me only to dash over the highway against the light in the dark.  This led to me accepting a ride from Air Force Wife in which I rode in the "trunk" of her SUV, much to the delight of her children.  I'm still waiting for that photo to surface.  Whatever the reason, it was nice to get to know those two better and to learn more about GBear's organization Sew Much Comfort.  Add to this the opportunity to meet Sarah's dog (not to mention her husband) and I was set!

My lunch break was highlighted by two wonderful milspouses who offered me a seat at their table.  I am horrible with names, but should I run into them on the street even twenty years from now, I will surely recognize them.  If you ladies read this, identify yourselves in a comment so I can thank you properly.  The lunch area was very crowded and I had deja vu moments of junior high and seeking out a seat for lunch on days when my friends might be absent.  Yikes!

I loved meeting those of you I did, listening to the stories of those who shared, and once again hearing from those with whom I share this forum.  There are some amazing people here who have a lot to give. 

Thanks again for making SBL3 the perfect way to round out 2007!

Melindas_wild_ride UPDATE:  The photo has surfaced.  To save the potential for blackmail or otherwise, I'm posting it myself...how Angelina-Jolie-Shiloh's-First-Photo of me!