Note to self: Use a pencil

As I was updating my address book today I realized how faded some of the entries have become.  Yes, I still use an actual BOOK, not a computer database.  I love computers, but I still don't trust them.

As I was updating my address book today I realized how faded some of the entries have become.  Yes, I still use an actual BOOK, not a computer database.  I love computers, but I still don't trust them.

But I digress back to the faded entries...

It took me a few years as a milspouse to realize that using a pencil for my address book was a smart idea (okay, so I'm a little slow sometimes). 

Every year my Christmas card list grows A LOT!!!  And I love that.  I love having so many people who have been in my life in the many places I have lived.  Now, keeping track of everyone becomes a chore.  I wish I could say I'm great at keeping in touch, but I would be lying.  I do e-mail a lot, but not as often as I'd like.  Plus, sometimes e-mail is just too impersonal.

The faded entries in my address book are for my friends that I have had since my "early years" as a milspouse.  They've moved a lot... we've moved a lot... but we always manage to keep each other in our "books."

If you are like me and send Christmas cards every year (or most years), take a minute and look at the entries in your "book."  Remember the good times and the blessings of friendship. 

One awesome thing about being in the military... you never run out of friends... the list just keeps on growing.