I've Got Bling!

Well, I'll soon have bling...

Well, I'll soon have bling...

Marine Wife showed up at SpouseBUZZ LIVE wearing her Marine Corps bling and I was green with envy. While I was in Fayetteville, I got an email from one of the ladies who inspired this post. She told me she purchased her service bling from Rhudy's, a shop in Fayetteville. Unfortunately, I was too busy to get over to Rhudy's. No sweat, they have an on-line store, which you can find here. And it appears they have all kinds of service bling, so run over and get yours. I assume you can place a special order if you want to add a diamond or gemstone to the pendant.

This is great. Mr. Andi didn't much care for the bling that Bling Master Jay designed for me. He's hoping to tone it down a bit. Not very flashy, that one...