It's happening... again

DH and I will be traveling to Washington, DC tomorrow (Friday) - provided the weather holds.  We have two reasons for going.

DH and I will be traveling to Washington, DC tomorrow (Friday) - provided the weather holds.  We have two reasons for going.

#1 - We are doing a video clip for Soldiers' Angels that will be part of a bigger video to help get the word out about SA and what the organization is and does for troops and their families.  DH and I feel very honored to be a part of this video because SA has been amazing for us from even before my husband was wounded.

Now for the other reason we are going...

DH has an appointment with his surgeon (at Walter Reed) to see about another surgery on his hand in Jan. or Feb.  If he has this surgery, this will make 35 surgeries in less than 3 years.  UGH!!!

You would think that by surgery #35 it would be "old hat" and no big deal.  Well, ever since DH told me he was going to make an appointment w/ the surgeon and actually wanted this surgery, I have been a bit... uneasy in the stomach.  Let's just say Pepcid and I have once again become friends.

So the "it's happening... again" title is reflecting on the uneasy stomach and building anxiety about going back to WR and possibly facing another surgery in the next few months.  But, DH wants this surgery and it will help him gain better use of his hand.  So, of course, I support him and love him and will be by his side.  Not because I HAVE to... because I WANT to.

The up-side to going to Walter Reed tomorrow is that we will be able to stop by and (hopefully) talk to some other wounded troops and their families.  I always love doing that because it helps me gain perspective on "where we've been" and "how far we have come."  It also gives me a chance to let these troops and families know that there is recovery... it may take a while, but it's there.