Do Something For Yourself

A couple of ladies talked about how important it is to do something for yourself at SpouseBUZZ LIVE, and I think they were onto something. I thought I would have some down time after SBL, but since I've returned home from Fayetteville, my phone has rang nonstop and I still haven't caught up on the email sitting in my inbox. I was trying to figure out when I might see the light at the end of the tunnel today. My inner drama queen was this close to taking over when I reminded myself that I have a friend who is going through a difficult time right now and that I should snap out of it. I also remembered the conversations that took place at SBL, and decided that all of us should act on some sound advice.

A couple of ladies talked about how important it is to do something for yourself at SpouseBUZZ LIVE, and I think they were onto something. I thought I would have some down time after SBL, but since I've returned home from Fayetteville, my phone has rang nonstop and I still haven't caught up on the email sitting in my inbox. I was trying to figure out when I might see the light at the end of the tunnel today. My inner drama queen was this close to taking over when I reminded myself that I have a friend who is going through a difficult time right now and that I should snap out of it. I also remembered the conversations that took place at SBL, and decided that all of us should act on some sound advice.

Once a month, let's set aside a day -- or some part of the day -- and do something for ourselves. Something big or something small, something expensive or something free. Grab a friend and have lunch together, make a spa appointment, go to Starbucks, order an expensive drink then relax and read the paper while you're drinking it, start a blog, organize a junk drawer, have a glass of wine, hire a sitter and get out of the house, enroll in a class. Whatever.

Monday, December 10, will be our first "Do Something For Yourself Day." I plan to sleep in, slip on my uber-comfy flannel pajamas and putter around the house taking care of little things that have been neglected. Things that have been driving me nuts. I might even take a nap. Doesn't sound so special? Well....I'm going to turn my cell phone off and not answer a single email. This is my idea of a blissful day, and it won't cost a penny. I feel better already.

What are you going to do for yourself?