
I cannot join Andi today in taking the day off.  Darn it.  Tis the Season.  Christmas has caught me completely off guard for the past 7 years here down South.

I cannot join Andi today in taking the day off.  Darn it.  Tis the Season.  Christmas has caught me completely off guard for the past 7 years here down South.

It cannot be Christmas, when it is 70 degrees can it?  For some reason, I think it is September, and then I look at the calender, only to find a few days left to get things in order. 

There is shopping, wrapping, baking, Christmas cards, etc.  All of that has been started, but I am dead in the middle of all, as I type this. 

The cookies get eaten almost as fast as I can bake them.  Which is fine, it is Christmas and we typically do not keep sweets in abundance around here.  (Because of me!)

However, I do think I am going to take some of Andi's advice and do something for myself, and for those that have to look at my face. 

Today, I am going to pluck this craziness known as my eyebrows. 

(And I  need to attack this billy goat chin)  When did I start morphing into Santa?