Awaiting Santa

I'm sure posting will be light from now until New Year's Day, but we'll be popping up around here from time to time.

I'm sure posting will be light from now until New Year's Day, but we'll be popping up around here from time to time.

From our SpouseBUZZ family to your family, we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and blessed 2008. We've had the great fortune of meeting many of you this past year, and for that we are grateful. Thank you for sharing your lives with us throughout 2007.

For those of you with deployed spouses, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Most of us have been there and we know that this can be a tough time of year for military families. If you're feeling blue and want to chat sometime Christmas evening, let us know and we'll open up the chat room.

Last I checked, Santa was in Shanghai, China and headed this way. Much to do before he arrives....