Murphy Was a Military Spouse

Guess who will be in Fayetteville at SpouseBUZZ Live 3 with  a personal entourage in tow?

Guess who will be in Fayetteville at SpouseBUZZ Live 3 with  a personal entourage in tow?

Yes, me.  I mean, if children count as an entourage, that is.  And I think they should.  They follow me around in a roiling pack, create havoc, get into trouble, and smell kind of funny.  In short, anything Britney's crew can do, mine can do better.

Except I do make it a point for them to wear underwear. 

AirForceGuy has to work this weekend, we just moved to a new location, and we don't know anyone who can babysit three very active youngsters and a dog with lactose intolerance.

So, while hubby can't be home to watch the kids full time, he will be able to come home and let Ike out.  Lucky Andi!  Wouldn't THAT have been awesome?  Ike could have been our SBL3 mascot!  He's housebroken and everything.

But really, isn't this all just another day in the life of a military spouse?  We might be one of the few demographics in America who not regularly implements Plans B through X, but also has back up plans aa through zz.  Stability?  I'm sorry, what's that?  I'm sure it's highly overrated, anyway.

I can't wait to see you in Fayetteville!  Just look for the chubby redhead with the tiny blond girl and the boy with the mohawk.  I'm sure that the frazzled expression goes without saying... :)