We'll Be Back....Please Stay Tuned

The SpouseBUZZ team is descending on Fayetteville, North Carolina. One by one, we're arriving and getting ready for SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope AFB. It's going to be a GREAT event and we're thrilled to be here.

The SpouseBUZZ team is descending on Fayetteville, North Carolina. One by one, we're arriving and getting ready for SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope AFB. It's going to be a GREAT event and we're thrilled to be here.

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, you can watch the show live on the web. Tomorrow I'll be posting information on how and where you can access the show. We'll be taking questions from our virtual audience during the show. You'll be able to submit a question or comment from your computer.

Our team will be busy over the next few days and posting will be lighter than usual. For our new readers, please check out the SpouseBUZZ humor archive. Just click here to access, and keep on scrolling. You will find a year's worth of posts by going to the navigation bar on the right-hand side of our site. Pick your category, click on it and happy reading.

When SpouseBUZZ LIVE is over and we've all returned home, regular posting will resume. Until then, thanks for your patience and we'll see you on Saturday in Fayetteville, or via the live broadcast on the web, courtesy of SyncLive.