Christmas Cards

I am starting to compile addresses for my Christmas card list. I like
to try to get started on them early so I can have them out in the mail
in early December. Sometimes that is unrealistic (like last year) and
sometimes it's not. This year, I should be able to do it.

I am starting to compile addresses for my Christmas card list. I like
to try to get started on them early so I can have them out in the mail
in early December. Sometimes that is unrealistic (like last year) and
sometimes it's not. This year, I should be able to do it.

I work on the list, I realize that in front of me sits a testament to
how rich my life as a military spouse truly is. I have friends (and
family) in all corners of the earth. Literally. Left coast, midwest,
Alaska, east coast, Europe, Asia,
medium-sized-turd-in-the-middle-of-the-Pacific-ocean, middle
name it and I probably need to send a Christmas card there.

I love that. I do not know that there is another lifestyle out there
that could afford me such richness. And I DO see my life as incredibly
rich. I am blessed by the fact that, pretty much no matter where I go, I will know someone in that area. I am heading to North Carolina in a few days for SpouseBUZZ Live
and I am looking forward to not only seeing family members but also a
few friends that I've been missing. And, of course, my SpouseBUZZ
cohorts and new friends I have yet to meet (maybe even more addresses to add to my card list!).

When we go back to SoCal for Christmas, not only
will we be able to spend time with family but I'm hoping to be able to
hook up with a few friends in the area as well. And not just the
friends I have from my childhood but friends I've made via "this
blogging thing" and via my life as a military spouse as well. What a
rich life. I am incredibly thankful for it.

Sometimes the Christmas cards I send come back to me. The recipient has
moved. In our world, that means they have PCS'd. Which means it's time
to try to track them down and find out what they are up to and, of
course, what their new mailing address is. Time to catch up on
life, on kids and family, on jobs, on everything. No other time of the
year throws that opportunity at us quite like the holiday season.

Time to get back to the list!