Service Bling Envy

As I mentioned here, I was recently in New York with some other military spouses. I noticed two of the spouses had some service bling hanging from their necks. One was the wife of a Marine pilot and she was wearing a gorgeous necklace with aviator wings and a diamond in the middle of the wings. The other was the wife of a paratrooper. She was sporting a beautiful necklace with paratrooper wings and a diamond in the middle of the wings.

As I mentioned here, I was recently in New York with some other military spouses. I noticed two of the spouses had some service bling hanging from their necks. One was the wife of a Marine pilot and she was wearing a gorgeous necklace with aviator wings and a diamond in the middle of the wings. The other was the wife of a paratrooper. She was sporting a beautiful necklace with paratrooper wings and a diamond in the middle of the wings.

I felt like a bad Army wife. I have no glittery service bling. None, and it's time to act.

My dilemma has been trying to figure out what kind of service bling is appropriate for me. My Army wife life has been spent floating between the world of artillery and statistics. Sometimes, we've found ourselves in the world of boom (artillery) and sometimes we've found ourselves in the world of numbers (statistics, logistics, excel spreadsheets and power point hell).

I.Want.Bling. I want something really flashy, too. Something that just screams "she's way cool."

Bling Master Jay, my bling designer, just emailed my choices. What do you think?



My new song, which I may perform at SpouseBUZZ LIVE:

I'm an Army wife

I live a crazy life

My man fights hate

While I hang with Secretary Gates

Boom Boom Boom

Da Da Da

Sometimes this life is fun, sometimes it's very scary

But I can't imagine a life outside the military

I'd rather laugh than cry

Of embarrassment my soldier will die

Boom Boom Boom

Da Da Da

Yo Yo Yo

It's time for me to go

My husband just walked thru the door

When he sees this he'll drop to the floor

Boom Boom Boom

Da Da Da

He takes the humiliation

Cause he knows I help him serve his nation

He often says, "why me?"

tee hee tee hee tee hee

Boom Boom Boom

Da Da Da....

Wonder if Cliff would want to team up? I'll just bet To the Fallen Records will offer me a big recording contract!