Be There, Without Being There...

Note: This post will stay on top for two days. Scroll down for fresh posts.

Note: This post will stay on top for two days. Scroll down for fresh posts.

Thanks to the generosity of SyncLive, those of you who can't attend SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope AFB will be able to view the live broadcast from your computers! The show will start at 9:30 a.m. EST on Saturday, December 1.

Click this link to view the live broadcast of SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope AFB on Saturday morning.

We'll have a chat room at the broadcast site and we'll take your questions from the chat room during the panel sessions. Please note that we won't be opening our SpouseBUZZ chat room, we will be using the SyncLive chat room. Sometime between now and show time, you'll need to sign up for a free membership at SyncLive. You will not be able to participate in the chat room unless you have set up your free account, which takes all of a minute to establish. See the yellow "sign up now" icon in the top right-hand corner. You will want to do this, not only for SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope, but because SpouseBUZZ will be broadcasting future events and live programming via SyncLive. SyncLive is also working on other broadcasts that will be of interest to the military community (more info in the coming days), so sign up.

A big, huge thanks to SyncLive for bringing this event to all who cannot attend.
