Virtual Support: A Lifeline for Military Spouses

Yesterday, I read this comment from Rachel. By the way, thanks to all of you who have welcomed her. Rachel's comment made me think that we should probably do another Meet and Greet. It's been a while since the first one. So, without giving specific, identifiable information, let us know where you are. 

Yesterday, I read this comment from Rachel. By the way, thanks to all of you who have welcomed her. Rachel's comment made me think that we should probably do another Meet and Greet. It's been a while since the first one. So, without giving specific, identifiable information, let us know where you are. 

As we've discovered since SpouseBUZZ opened, virtual support can make a huge difference in the lives of military spouses. Each day, I wake up, go to my laptop and I'm instantly connected with all of you. I start my day with you and end my day with you (sometimes to the chagrin of my husband who has to pry my fingers from the keyboard and drag me off to bed). 

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the more options we have as a community, the better off all of us are. Well...guess what? One more option is now available to you...and it's a doozie. has just launched its brand new Military Spouse Network, a network which offers a great social networking platform. Think MySpace, but for military spouses (or members of Imagine this, you are moving to a new duty station, say, Ft. Bragg, and you have a million questions. What are the schools like?  Where can I find an awesome Mexican restaurant?  How's the housing? Well, you could spend hours trying to research all of the questions you have, or you could just log onto the new network and find the Ft. Bragg spouse group. Then, you could ask questions of the spouses who are there, know the area, and could provide answers and advice in about two minutes. Pretty cool, huh?

Notice the Spouse of the Day section. I love this concept. The Spouse of the Day will be randomly selected, and profiled. Check in daily to see if you have been selected. The first 100 spouses who are profiled will receive a nice gift, so if you haven't joined and built your profile, get busy (it's free).

We've been hosting a blogging series here at SpouseBUZZ over the past couple of weeks, but only a small portion of our readers are bloggers. For that reason, I created a bloggers group on the new Military Spouse Network. It's a place where milspouse bloggers can share blogging tips, get to know other bloggers, discuss interesting posts they've read, showcase their work and bond over blogging. The name of the group is Blogger's Row. If you're a blogger, click here to join the group. I think you have to be logged into your account before you can view and join the group. If you're not a member, click here to join. The membership is free and the information, resources and benefits your membership affords are invaluable. Note: I'm still building the page, so it's a bit raw at the moment.

Bookmark the MSN landing page and go there each morning to see the latest headlines or information which may be of interest to you. From there, you can search for a group. Don't see one for your duty station? Create one. The network just launched yesterday, but I'm sure it won't take long to form spouse clubs from all over the world, and when that happens, each of us will have a place to go and find information about where the military will be sending us next.