They'll make a difference

Recently, it was my very good fortune to be able to represent SpouseBUZZ at a forum of senior officer and senior enlisted spouses from one of the Air Force's major commands.  I along with GBear, had the chance to listen to many a topic focused on "what can be done to continually better the care and support that we provide to our corps of spouses."  (Okay, it wasn't stated EXACTLY like that or in so many words, but that's what they meant I believe.)

Recently, it was my very good fortune to be able to represent SpouseBUZZ at a forum of senior officer and senior enlisted spouses from one of the Air Force's major commands.  I along with GBear, had the chance to listen to many a topic focused on "what can be done to continually better the care and support that we provide to our corps of spouses."  (Okay, it wasn't stated EXACTLY like that or in so many words, but that's what they meant I believe.)

It was great to listen to some of the hard hitting discussions, from privatized housing, to TRICARE, to one of the finest charitable organizations in today's world, Sew Much Comfort, to my favorite topic of the entire conference ... "What's SpouseBUZZ?"

Hopefully, some of you reading this post were there and were kind enough to listen to the guy talking about Military Spouses and the Blogosphere ... if you are at the keyboard now, Welcome to the BUZZ.  I hope you'll find the discussion lively, the information pertinent, and the camaraderie warm. 

Please be a participant - add your thoughts and your opinions - we're in this together and just because there's a few thousand folks out there watching and reading, be calm, be yourself, and please, be candid.  We're looking for your insights to add to our experiences and just maybe, you'll see just how quickly you receive something in return for your efforts.  SpouseBUZZ just seems to work that way.

Again, to the forum of senior officer and senior enlisted spouses who winged it home on the four winds, thank you for your patience and allowing GBear and I to address your conference.  We, like all of the authors and commenter's are looking forward to your help in making a difference to all of the miliary spouses we reach out to and also get touched by, each day.  Maybe we'll see you at SpouseBUZZ Live?

Over & Out, MaintenanceToadOne